
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Homemade Coconut Milk

I love coconut, and it sure loves me.
My love for it makes me want to make art with it!

This is a short guide to proper production of coconut milk,
using only dry coconut shreds and water.

Coconut milk is a tasty beverage,
and consumable by anyone, as long as you love the taste of coconut!

Very easy to make, and in 4 simple steps you can be that someone having fresh coconut milk in your kitchen. Think of the options!

You will be measuring, you will be soaking, blending and squeezing,
and the best thing is, you get to have coconut milk to drink and drink...

Step #1 - Measurements

2 cups of dry coconut shreds
to 4 cups of lukewarm water.

Step #2 - Soaking

Place the two main ingredients
in the blender, as seen in the image,
and let sit for over 2 hours.

Everything in nature comes with water.
Introducing water to the dried out coconut shreds,
allows the contents in the coconut shreds to release,
and upon blending it, it will be easier to extract
the pureness and nourishment from it.

If eaten raw, you should hydrate any dried fruit to make it
more easier to digest and less over powering from its sugars.

Step #3 - Blend for 2 minutes

Now that the coconut shreds are hydrated,
turn on the blending switch and blend on the highest capacity.
After a minute or two turn the blender off and sneak a peak.

Step #4 - Filtering out the Pulp

Now take a bowl or pot, place a strainer on top,
and fit in the strainer a folded cheese cloth.
This will act as a thorough filter for your coconut milk,
so that you get only the liquid portion of your delightful creation.

Using your hands,
squeeze the coconut milk out of the cheese cloth into the bowl.
Squeeze until you are satisfied with your squeezing,
and until the only thing you are holding is your cheese cloth
and all the coconut milk from the pulp is in your bowl.

Step #5 - Add Taste (optional)

Now, if you wish to added flavor,
place a 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt and 1/8 teaspoon of vanilla extract.
You can add it before blending or once it's made and stir it in the bowl.

Step #6 - Storage

You just made coconut milk!
You can do so much with 4 cups of it.
Start by placing it in a reused milk glass bottle.
Make sure to clean it first.

One of the things you will notice,
when the coconut milk has sat awhile in the fridge,
is the separation of the fat and water.
You can simply mix it up and use it,
however, as the fat becomes clumpy and solid,
best to consider the option of warming it up.
This way, the fat melts into a consistency
that is smoother and soluble among the water.

Step #7 - Being creative

This step is limitless.
That is, you have now absolute creative power,
to make drinks with it, smoothies and using it for baking.
We love adding a bit to our vegetable soups,
which always makes it richer and filling.

If you want a great recipe,
please consider making our Cocogandha beverage [article coming...].

It only takes 1/8 teaspoon Ashwagandha root powder,
1 cup of hot coconut milk and some cinnamon.
Ashwagandha means in Hindi "Nifty Horse",
it is a relaxant, and it improves and strengthens your adrenal glands.

This beverage reminds Joel of Sahlab,
a Mediterranean drink that tastes thick and wonderful.

For better health, strength and delightful taste!

Step #8 - Recycling the coconut Pulp

Wait! There is more!
You have in your hands,
or may I properly say,
in your cheese cloth,
a potential for saving money
and baking healthy snacks and goodies.

Take a baking pan,
spread a baking parchment,
and evenly spread out the moist coconut pulp.
Place in the oven for 20 minutes,
and walla... you have dried coconut pulp
that is just ready to be milled down in a blender.
Think of all the options you got,
now that you have in your hands coconut flour!

Blessings and to good taste!

Joel and Deanna


  1. Joel, if i want to made it from faw coconut pulp, do i have to soak it also for two hours?

    1. Good question.

      If it is RAW, meaning, it is hydrated already with water and it is fresh from a coconut, then no need to soak it. But, if it's a coconut that had been dehydrated, then I recommend hydrating it by soaking it in the same water you will be using to blend it into milk.

  2. Awesome post! Thanks for the tips and tricks on this!
